Monday 17 July 2017


Charity never faileth 1Corinthians 13:8

 Man's nature does not have access to God's kind of love. God is love 1John 4:8. And any man or woman who does not have God is seperated from true love. Mankind has millions of songs, plays, movies and stories about love, but many of them are not God's kind of love. Human love and God's love 3e not even in the same class. Basically, human love is selfish and God's love is totally unselfish. Human love says, I will love you provided you do what I want you to to, or as long as I feel like it. God's love is unconditional. The book of 1Corinthians 13:4_8 lists the remarkable characteristics of God's love. Few Christians fully appreciates how unique His love is.

We often think that God's loves for us is similar to the way we have been loved before. That is not so. Our bad experiences often prevent us from accepting God's love. We lower God to our level and think His love is conditional and proportional to our performance. That is how everyone else loves us, but God's love is different. It's like no other love you have ever experienced.

 God's love never fails, even when we do. God's love is unconditional.  Since we did not do anything to earn it in the first place, He does not withdraw His love when we do not deserve it. He loves us because He is love,not because we are lovable, Make the decision today to renew your mind in the area of God's love. Ask the Lord to teach you anew what His love is all about. Then get ready for a revelation that will change your entire life!