Friday 27 October 2017


For the eyes of the Lord are over the. righteous and His ears are open unto their prayers, but the face of the Lord is against them that do evil, 1Peter 3:12 Are you been persecuted because of your work in the House of God? Do people hate you just because of your faithfulness to your Father in heaven? Are you loathed just because you are always happy? And do they speak evil of you behind your back because of how important you took the work of God? Do not worry beloved, and never be frightened. Remeber that you are not alone, you are not of the same understanding and it Is better to suffer for doing good than for the evil. 1 Peter 3:13 says that "who is he that will harm you, if you be followers of that which is good? Beloved, Jesus Himself encouraged us to suffer for something good because the reward is more than what you could ever imagine. An eternal enjoyment in the presence of your Father. Joseph the dreamer just like the brothers named him suffered in the hands of His own family and he ended up being their saviour. Jesus Christ himself suffered in the hands of His own people too and He was justified in the end. Brethren, are you facing one persecution or another, Look up to God. Never change who you are in Christ for anybody. Never move away from your heavenly father just because of what people are saying about you. Let them call you all sorts of name but you know you have a greater name in heaven; Beloved are you ready to be called that name? Do not give up on God for He will never give up on you. The Lord will continue to strengthen you. You will not fail the Christian race, in the name of Jesus. Hold on, for your reward is on the way.