Saturday 15 December 2018



And it shall come to past that if thou shall hearken diligently unto the voice of the Lord thy God, to observe and do all is commandment which command thee this day, that the Lord thy God will set thee on high above all nations.
             Obedience is a mark to identify a true child of God. Obedience to God's word is an act to show that you believe and trust God. You cannot say you trust God and you are not obedient to His word. The Bible says obedience is better than sacrifice. Disobedience is is purely lack of trusting God. You do not believe that God is God. He can see and he can hear. You need to obey Him so that you can have everything that belongs to you. Whatever you might have lost in the past, if only you can obey God and follow is rules, they will come back to you in double fold. There so many things attached to a life that is willing and obedient to God. Just because of your obedience you shall not lack any good thing. The earth is of the Lord and the fullness thereof, the world and everything that dwell therein. God has everything under is control and he is able to grant your desires if you are obedient to Him. Take a step of faith today to obey God's word and you will surely receive the reward.

Friday 30 November 2018



How many times do you think about God in a day? God thinks about you even when you are not thinking about Him. He never stops thinking about you. His thoughts towards you are good and constant. God knows and understand every aspect of our daily lives. He knows the trials, the heartache, the confusion, the sickness and all the pain that many of us are currently facing.
     Jesus intercedes on our behalf before the father in heaven. He continually intervenes so that all things work together for our good.  The Scriptures declare that
God did not create you and leave you to do it alone. He is constantly with you. Thousands of prayers go up to God daily, He who gives you life is also capable of blessing you. If you allow Him to take control of your life, He will put it together and and give it a meaning. He will change that evil name that the world is calling you and you will be known as blessing. Remember,  you can feel His handiwork even in this negative world, when you are constantly aware of His presence. God's thoughts towards us are thoughts of peace and not of evil. He does not sit in heaven thinking of ways to take us out because of all the things we have done wrong in our livetime. His thoughts towards us are thought of peace. His thoughts are towards our future involvement in His kingdom. When he thinks of our future, He is filled with peace.

Friday 23 November 2018



You can call the devil many names but not a fool. He has never been a fool from the day he was casted down from heaven to earth. His kingdom is highly organised and the Bible  said that one third of the angels followed him down to earth. Satan rebelled and was cast out of heaven. Isaiah 14: 12-13 says how art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! For thou hast said in thine heart,  i will  asend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of congregation, in the sides of the north. Satan has a very intelligent force that are not easily dealt with if you are not careful. The powers we are wrestling against are not flesh and blood, they are principalities powers, rulers of darkness of this world, and spiritual wickedness in high places. Ephesians 6:12. These powers are very persistent  and consistent in attacking the children of God. If you do not send them out properly, they will come back with seven more powers to regain their positions. These agents are everywhere and can be anyone they can enter anyone and used them to do evil. God want you to reaffirm your stand in him. Devil has changed so many Christians. Some are not serving the Lord again but serving satan and they are not fully aware of it. Most are waiting to see the physical 666 number before    they can believe there is anti-Christ. Do not be deceived. Make up your mind today and follow Jesus the Author and the finisher of your faith.

Monday 5 November 2018


1• Groanings which cannot be ultered are often prayers which cannot be refused.

2• I have read the last page of the Bible it's all going to turn out all right

3• Hatred paralyze life; love releases it. Hatred confuse life; love harmonizes it. Hatred darkens life; love illumines it.

4• God is great therefore He will be sought; God is good, therefore he will be found.

5• Everybody wants a king like Jesus.

6• Were love is God is.

7• When the word of the Lord is spoken the spirit of the Lord is being released and the options of the herer  changes because the kingdom is being release.

8• The cold world needs warm heated christains.

9• Anyone can give away something expensive but only those who understand sacrifice can give away something valuable.

10• Faith is the radar that sees through the fog..... The reality of things at a distance that human eye cannot see.

11• Prayer is simply a two way conversation between you and God.

12• Running away from the thunderstorm only prolongs the inevitable, turning and facing it head on, as hard as it is, will sooner lead to calmer skies. Bill Johnson

13• Nothing shapes your life more than the commitment you choose to make. Rick Warren

14• What matters is not the direction of your life, but the donation of it . Rick Warren.

15• You will not be in heaven two seconds before you cry out, why did i place so much importance on things that were so temporary what was i thinking? Why did i waste so much time, energy and concern on what wasn't going to last? Rick Warren.

16• You were born to be amazing. Kris Valotton

17• Most of the church is waiting for the next big command from God, but God is waiting for the dreams of his church. Bill Johnson

18• Of all the music that reached farthest into heaven, it is the beating of a loving heart. Henry Ward Beecher.

19•  Justice is not something God has. Justice is something that God is.

20• The world is not a lay ground it is a school-room. Life is not a holiday, but an education. And the one  eternal lesson for us all is how better we can love. Henry Drummond

21• Faith and obedience are bound up in the same bundle. He that obeys God trusts God; and he that trusts God obeys God. He that is without works is without faith. Charles Spurgeon

22• Is prayer your steering wheel or your spare tire? Corrie Ten Boom

23• God's delay are not God's denial. Robert H Schuller

24• Because God is love, the most important lesson he wants you to learn on earth is how to love. Rick Warren

25• I Would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought, and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder. G.k. Chesterton

26• Christ never said  much in mere words about the Christian graces. He lived them he was them; yet we do not merely copy Him. We learn His art by living with Him. Henry Drummond

27• May God so fill us  today with the heart of Christ that we may glow with the divine fire of  holy desire. A.B Simpson

30• He doesn't take you into joy so you can laugh for something he takes you into joy so you can go back and get joy when you need it because it is part of your inheritance.

Monday 15 October 2018



The problem of most Christains in the end time is how to hear and know when God is speaking. Many Claimed the holy spirit had instructed them to do one thing or the other, but the truth is that  they cannot discern who is speaking. In a situation where the sheep cannot hear and know when the Sherpard is speaking, problem will occur.
           Moses was born as a deliver and a Prophet. He was the meekest man on the surface of the earth, but he settled down with the cattle of Jethro the priest of median. It was when God spoke that Moses was able to achieve his divine purpose. you  too might be have settled for lesser things but you can still ask God to speak to you now, so that you can achieve the greatests. What has God  spoken concerning your life? You have dwelled too long at this level, and you need to go higher. Beloved wake up and act  now.  If you are having trouble hearing from God; if there is confussion about what the will of God is for a particular matter you have prayed about; take time to deal with the motive of your heart, if you are not sure that you are willing, then just be honest and ask God to change your heart. Psalm 25:9 Says 'He guides the humble in what is right and teaches them is way'. Listen for the word from Him today and be patience enough to hear His voice. If you have not surrender your life to Christ; now is the time to do that. He opens His arms and calls you to come to Him today.

Saturday 22 September 2018


SO THEY READ IN THE BOOK IN THE LAW OF GOD DISTINCTLY, AND GAVE THE SENSE, AND CAUSED Them TO UNDERSTAND THE READING. NEHEMIAH 8:8 But there is a spirit in man: and the inspiration of the Almighty giveth them understanding.(Job 32:8). As youengage in personal search for God's words, you need the ministry of the Holy Ghost for the interpretation of scriptures. He wrote the scriptures and only He can interpret it. He is the the greatest custodian of deep secrets of God. As your spirit stays connected with Him, He will reveal all the information you need for your multiple restorations to manifest. Proverbs 20:27 confirms this, "The spirit of man is the candle of the candle of the Lord, searching all the inward part of the belly". In addition, link up with interpreters of scriptures. In the text, the people understood the scriptures because Ezra the scribe explained it to them. There are many. Anointed teachers in the body of Christ. Is one so, keep embracing other godly ministries Connect with the right ones through reading of their books and listening to their messages. This will help you become and remain a balanced Christian. This is like taking multivitamins to supplement your diets. Remember the body of Christ is one so, keep embracing other godly ministries and allow the Holy spirit to be your director. Salvation, humility holiness, personal search for God's words and linking up with scripture interpreters are your covenant access to multiple restorations. It is well with you in Jesus name.

Wednesday 29 August 2018



Grace is an embodiment of pardon, good will, loving kindness and favour from ever merciful God. This is made available after Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God suffered, paid the ultimate sacrificial price of redemption for the sinner, who actually do not deserve it. When grace streams upon sinners, it turns him to Christ; breaks and transforms him to God's standard. It keeps, strengthens, empowers and
increases him daily in Christians faith.
       Grace with the help of the Holy Spirit, can teach you how to pray. It can impart understanding into your heart as you read the Word. Through grace, your divine protection is guaranteed. Grace offers every good and perfect gift which is from above. It is only through grace that you can render acceptable servi
ce to God; grace imparts everlasting consolation (Hebrew 12: 28, 29, 2 Thes 2 :16). God's grace also makes us better people and helps us in time of need
1Cor. 15:9,10 Hebrew 4:16). Our hearts are established by grace, and we are justified by grace Ephesians 2:5,8, Hebrew 13:9). Grace is so indispensable that we dare not live or die without it! Therefore, whilst you tap into the grace God made available to you through Jesus Christ, be careful never abuse it. For you cannot continue in sin and expect grace to abound (Roman 6:1).

Thursday 2 August 2018



Whenever lights appears, darkness disappears. In the world, when a super star appears in the arena, every other power bows. In spiritual matters higher powers force lesser ones to bow. The power of our Lord Jesus Christ is far more greater than Satan's power and that of all his agents. Jesus name is higher than all other names, for at the mention of the name of Jesus every knee must bow. The incident at Mount Carmel where elijah called down the fire of God and the eventual destruction of the prophets of Baal was a clear indication of how superior the power of God is. Turn to Jesus today with all your problems and experience His power, for there is no power more than the power of Jesus. His power is supreme. Apostle Paul said in 1 Corinthians 4:20  for the kingdom of God is not in word, but in power. Beloved, true power is only found in Christ Jesus through fullness of the Holy spirit, humility, knowing the secret things of God and faith in Him. This will give you authority, open good doors,
create opportunities and enable you to make good use of it. I pray by the power in the blood of Jesus any prophet of Baal challenging your God shall be disgraced in the name of Jesus Christ Amen.

Wednesday 1 August 2018



When God gives an opportunity, He wants you to act promptly because, opportunity, does not last forever. It is called an "opportunity" because you are opportune to be in the position the world called it "luck". However, opportunity comes at the appointed time, it does not depend on anyone's luck, it is divinely prepared by God for His own. Joshua stirred the Isrealites up before they can realized that they have been divinely opportune to take their possession.
         God is ready to do His part in your life but, are you ready to make allowed yourself to be divinely connected to your own opportunity? Are you ready to make use of the one you have right now before it is too late? If you really want to be connected divinely,
you have to surrender your life to Jesus. You have to accept Him as your Lord and Saviour and you will
have your own opportunity.
        You need to understand that all things comes from God and to Him they will all go back to. The world can never offer you an opportunity if God did not signed it. Jesus has already pay for ours with is blood. It is your possession, claim it and grab it. Do not allow the devil to collect it from you. Hold on tightly and never allow it to slip through sin. And if your opportunity has slipped off you, go back to God,
He is always ready to forgive and He will make another one possible for you. He is indeed the God of second chance.

Thursday 26 July 2018



In the entire Bible, no other blood was pronounced "precious" except the blood of Jesus. It is also known. As incorruptible. The whole plan of redemption rests upon the power in the blood of Jesus. The old testament blood of the lambs and goats had no
power to take away sin. They could only cover sin; this was why the high priest repeated the sacrifice from year to year  Hebrew 9:11, 10:1-4. In Exodus 12, God gave the Isrealites a life insurance through the blood of the lamb gave them a promise of protection from
the angel of death.
       When the Isrealites obeyed the word of God by sprinkling the blood as commanded by God, they knew they were safe. The killing of the lamb and the shedding of its blood was not enough. The blood must be applied to the door post by faith. So the knowlege of any truth is not profitable until it is put to use. If you believe that the blood of Jesus has power to save, heal and deliver you, but you failed to personally apply it to any given situation, it will not work for you. Your unbelieve does not mean it has lost its power. It is the same as the person who believes that Jesus came and died on the cross for the salvation of the whole world, but to failed to accept Him as his saviour. So, no knowledge is productive or profitable until it is put to use. The blood of Jesus is still active and effective. Ask Him right now to wash you with it.


Thursday 28 June 2018


What happened to Ananias and Saphira should serve as a good lesson to every child of God. Christians have developed the tendency of grading or classifying sins into various categories. There is this erroneous belief that some sins are more sinful than others and the lighter ones can be overlooked by God. Wheather it is the sin of adultery or fornication, stealing or murder, lying or un forgiveness, God hates sin with a perfect hatred. Sin is sin before God and should be resisted with all seriousness. The sin of this couple was not stinginess; neither was it holding back part of the money. They had the right to keep back part of it for their own use because the money belonged to them. But they did not admit that they kept back some. They lied to God and his people. They wanted to make themselves appear more generous they really were. They were dishonest. Theirs was a premeditated act and not a slip.
Lying Is so prevalent in our society that it has come to be regarded as normal or convenient way of getting out of a difficult situation. People talk of political lie, business lie, social lie, white lie, etc. which ever coloration it is given, a lie is a leading, and all liars back stabbed, back bitters etc are bound for hell fire. It is better to tell the truth and receive punishment than to tell a lie and go free. Ananias and his wife dropped dead in the church for their sin of lying. The various events that are recorded in the Bible are for our benefit to warn us who live at the tine when this age is drawing to a close (1COR.10:11). Be warned.

Be love Heaven is real hell is real the choice is yours.

Wednesday 20 June 2018



Pride is that evil nature which makes a man feel bigger than what he is. When a man feels that he's more important than others: other people are are irrelevant ; the evil spirit of pride is in operation. Many feel they can achieve whatever they want without the assistant of God their creator. And that whatever they possess is just by their self effort. That is nothing other than priden and it is an act of wickedness before God (1Samuel 2:3).
       The Almighty God, the Creator of all things He holds the life of every one in His hand: and no one can query Him. He is unquestionable. That is why you have to live a kind of life that pleases Him.
One of the behaviour that God hates is pride. As a matter of truth, God resists the proud (James 4:6; 1 Peter 5:5). God proclaimed His judgement through prophet Ezekiel against the king of Tyre, who was so proud and disgraced the Almighty by placing himself in the position of a god Ezekiel 28:2-5), forgetting the fact that, all he had was given to him by the Almighty : including his life.
       Beloved as you ask God to bless you in all aspects of life, the grace to always acknowledge the supremacy and greatest of God (1 Chronicles 29:10-16). Like David. Pride links a man with destruction. Pro 16:18, 18:12

Tuesday 29 May 2018


1• Faith involves trusting in the promises of god and waiting for their fulfilment.

2• Pray when you feel like worrying. Give thanks when you feel like complaining keep going when you feel like qutting. Dave Willis

3• Don't let what's behind you make you miss what is before you. Steve Furtick

4• God can take the worst thing that you could possibly imagine and somehow or another, He throws a few of His own ingredients in there and it turns out to be a miracle. And all you have to do is give it to Him. Joyce Meyer

5• God as given you a power so strong that all the forces of darkness can't stop it.

6•Refuse to be intimidated.

7• Rise up in faith.

8• It may not be easy you may not understand it, but faith is trusting God when life doesn't make sense. Dare to believe that He's blessing you even in the hard times, that what was meant for your harm is going. To work to your advantage. Joel Osteen

9• God knew every mistake you would make and still made a good plan for your life, to prosper you and not harm you. Paula White

10• If you lived to see the sun come up this morning, God still has a purpose for life. Matthew Hagee

11• Remember that even in the midst of suffering God's will is being done Paul Chappell

12• When your heart is overwhelmed, God will restore the joy of your salvetion. He will carry you, strengthen you and guide you. TD Jakes

13• God can give you the grace the energy, the zeal the passion to do whatever you need to do and to do it with a good attitude. Joyce Meyer

14• If you are a Christian remind yourself today
that you are safe in God's presence; His love attends your every need in life or in death. DR David  Jeremiah

15• Concentrate, on counting your blessings and you will have little time to count anything else. Woodrow Kroll

16• The God of comfort will wrap His loving arms around you and whisper in your ear: we are going to get through this. John Hagee

17• Every time you think you being rejected God's Actually redirecting you to something better ask Him to give you the strength to press forward. Nick Vujicic

18• Never be afraid to trust an unknown future to a known God. Corrie Ten Boom

19•You have an enemy that's trying to keep you from your destiny. But there 's the key, the forces that are for you are greater than forces that are against you. Don't let what happens to you large or small, cause you to pull up your anchor. If you will keep your hope in the Lord, God will get you to where you are supposed to be. Joel Osteen

20• God can open doors for you that no man can open. Joyce Meyer

Wednesday 23 May 2018


1• One of the main reasons that we lose ENTHUSIASM in life is because we become ungrateful....we let what was once a miracle become common to us. We get so accustomed to His goodness it becomes a routine. JOEL OSTEEN

2• Protect your ENTHUSIASM from the negativity and fear of others. Never decide to do nothing just because you can only do little. Do what you can. You would be surprised at what  little acts have done for our world. STEVE MARABOLI

3• It is faith in something and ENTHUSIASM for something that makes life worth living. OLIVER HOLMES SR

4• It is Funny how you can do nice things for people all the time and they never notice. But once you make one mistake it is never forgotten.

5•There are questions in this life that may have no answers till we get to the other side of eternity.

6• Always remember to take your Vitamin A for #ACTION Vitamin B for #BELIEF Vitamin C for #CONFIDENCE Vitamin D for #DISCIPLINE Vitamin E for #ENTHUSIAM. PABLO

Sunday 20 May 2018


We are humans we forget, err and change. And sometimes, we fit God into human mould of forgetfulness, mistakes and inconsistency. God is not like that he is God! And may be life has  battered you so badly that you don't even know what that means anymore. You don't seem to know who God is any longer. Well he is God! And the best way is to take a moment and read through the list below I will like to call it THE GOD REMINDER LIST!


1• God Is  love - He loves truly and unconditionally!
2• God is infinite - He has no end!
3• God is immortal - He can never die!
4• God is all knowing - He knows all things!
5• God is Almighty - He can do all things!
6• God is greater than life because life consists in Him
7• The ways of God are incredible - He has infinite number of ways to do the same thing!
8• He is the supreme Ruler of the entire universe -
nothing is out of His control!
9• He sees an entire lifetime in a glance!
10• He never wonders what to do next or how to tackle any particular situation.
11• He is the Alpha and Omega!

Saturday 28 April 2018


THOSE THINGS WHICH YE HAVE LEARNED AND RECIEVED AND HEARD AND SEEN IN ME, DO; AND THE GOD OF PEACE SHALL BE WITH YOU. PHILLIPIANS 4:9 How much of the Bible do you know? It is greatest book ever written. Your only real hope rest totally on the Bible which is the word of God. However, God takes His word, not human speculation or opinions and sets us apart from the world to himself. We are set apart for God's special use. Therefore, our value, goals and behaviours are distinct from that of the world. The world of God sanctifies us as we study, meditate memorize and apply it truth to our daily life. The holy Spirit uses it to make us aware of sin, confess it and repent. He takes the word and reveals God's perfect will for our lives. We grow in His grace through the knowledge of His word. Scriptures and Bible study provides us with better understanding of God character. Jesus said it is written, that man shall not live by bread alone but by every word of God (Luke 4:4). However His peace will not reside in us until we apply His word to our daily life. You must live by truth, which God has already revealed. If you understand the need for thankfulness, prayer, forgiveness, repentance or a Christ centered love for others you must strive to know him better through his word, and remember to take what we know and put it into practice.


Joseph was destined for greatness, and this was revealed to him early in life through is dreams. While God has His plans for the young man, the devil also had his own plans. But God's plan will always overshadow those of the devil. His brothers were jealous and thought that by selling him off into slavery in a foreign land, they would be able to stop God from fulfilling His plans for Joseph on the contrary, they conspired and got the "nuisance" out of the way. But even in faraway Egypt, God was with Joseph. After passing through many bitter experience, God was with Joseph. God took him to the position He had originally ordained for him. Like
Joseph many people have revealed their secret dreams to their enemies whom they thought were friends and those friends are now working hard to make sure those dreams do not come to pass. Many have been diverted away from God's purpose by the wicked because they were able to see the star. Many destinies have been caged by the witches and wizard and they could not be located. I pray that God will
 deliver you today from the hand of such unfriendly friends in Jesus Mighty Name (Amen). SCRIPTURES And when they saw him afar off, even before He came near to them, they conspired against him to slay him and they said one to another, Behold, this dreamer comes. Come now therefore, and let us slay him, and cast him into some pit, and we will say, some evil
beast has devoured him. And we shall see what will
become of his dreams. Genesis 37:18-20 SCRIPTURES For is anger endureth but a moment,weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning Psalm 3:5.

Friday 27 April 2018


The way you handle that troubles will determine the kind of winner you become. If God want you to do something and you are not doing it He will start up troubles for you. Job 14:1 says man that is born of a woman is of few days and full of troubles. MYSTERY OF TROUBLES 1) life is not simple at all. 2) life is not a hundred meter race. It's journey 3)The trouble that comes your way is an assert. 4)There is a mystery to the trouble we go through. 5)Every difficulty as an opportunity and every opportunity as a difficulty. 6)Trouble is a part of life and brings out all our talents. 7)Without cross their is no crown. 8)You are not finish when you go through troubles you are finished when you surrender.9)You may not be in trouble because you are a sinner but because you are a treat to the enemies. 10) Your life is different because your destiny is different. 11)There are no two people under the sun that have the same trouble. 12) There's no trouble that is above God. 13) Troubles drives people to success it drives people to their breakthrough. Beloved when you have a powerful enemy they make you stronger. I want you to know that many things God wants to do in our life's are waiting in heaven uncollected because the level we are is not strong enough to handle those things. THINGS YOU SHOULD NOT DO WHEN YOU ARE IN TROUBLE 1) Bitterness 2) You must not fall apart. 3) Anger 4) You must not hate anyone 5) Do not give up. 6) Backslide 7) Do not make negative statement about yourself. 8) Never be discouraged. Beloved the trouble that you
are is a signal that your life is a treat, a treat to some powers & personalities.

Thursday 26 April 2018


MAN THAT IS BORN OF WOMAN IS FEW DAYS AND FULL OF TROUBLES JOB 14:1 Are you facing any trouble? Day and night? I congratulate you. It is a sign that you are still alive. The dead can not give account of their day or tell stories. The fact that people are talking about you and saying terrible things about you is evidence that you are moving forward. The only place where someone can be free of trouble and nobody will bother him at all is the cemetary. Beloved, it is not the problem that faces you that matters but the way you handle it. What you do with your life is more important than what life does to you. The way out of your trouble is always the way through it. There is no trouble that is beyond the power of God. Therefore, with God all things are possible. You will surely level your mountain in Jesus name (Amen). In the mist of Adversity, God speaks through Isaiah to for tell of renewal, revival and a flourishing time to come. however bad the people of God's present situation, the future before them is incredibly bright and secure for the reunion of Zion with ways of God brings material and spritual blessings. God establishes the disciple of His people in His righteousness. God is in the recovery and reproduction business and he want us to live in the light of His resurrection promises. We can, because
he promised to guard us in His righteousness and keep us secure.

Sunday 25 March 2018


All SCRIPTURES IS GIVEN BY INSPIRATION OF GOD, AND IS PROFITABLE FOR DOCTRINE, FOR REPROOF,FOR CORRECTION,FOR INSTRUCTION IN RIGHTEOUSNESS. 2 Timothy 3:16 God has given us is word for our own good. Every section of it is relevant and beneficial to us. It us not in our best interest to be selective or discriminatory concerning which part to pay attention to and which part to reject. God gave is word by inspiration and we must accept it the way it is because He knows what is good for us. Some of it may appear hard, but that is all our hard heart need to fully equipped for every good thing God want us to do. Truth can be offensive to a person who is not ready to accept it. Many people have different reasons for identifying with the Lord, and a lot of these followers are motivated by selfish desire. As Jesus started preaching the "hard truth" many of His disciples turn away and left Him. They wanted Him to tell them what they wanted to hear. And it is sad to note that many of our present day preachers have fallen into that trap. They preach what will please their listeners so that they will not go away. Jesus was not bothered. He turned to the twelve Disciples and ask them will you also go away? Peter answered, To whom shall we go? You have all we need. There is none like You in all
the earth. As a loving caring, and responsible father, God has given us His word to guide us, teach us His word to guide us, teach us, correct us, and rebuke us so that we do not become wayward and rebellious children heading for destruction. Feed regularly on the bread of is good for your health;no matter how hard it is to your flesh, do not go away.

Monday 26 February 2018


WHAT SHALL WE SAY THEN? SHALL WE CONTINUE IN SIN, THAT GRACE MAY ABOUND? GOD FORBID. HOW SHALL WE, THAT ARE DEAD TO SIN, LIVE ANY LONGER THEREIN? ROMANS 6:1-2 You might not understand the "whys" or the how of what you are passing through now. But just like Job honoured God, so you should as well, and in the end God will honour you. We never know when we are in the midst of our pain and suffering what the source is or who is to blame.Our response shouls mirror Job's trust in God and believe He will use your pain to bring about His perfect will in your life. Always remember everything has repercussions, the sin of Adam and eve flow through mankind. When Abraham refused to wait for his Isaac, the repercussions flow through. This I say then, walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh. For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contary the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the things that ye would. But if ye be led off the Spirit,ye are not under the law. Now the works of the flesh are manifest. Is God good? Yes! We can see and feel His goodness all around us. Then why does evil exist all around us today? It is as a result of our disobedience to God's Commands


WHEREFORE I PUT THEE IN REMEMBRANCE THAT THOU STIR UP THE GIFT OF GOD WHICH IS IN THEE BY THE PUTTING OF MY HANDS. 2TIMOTHY1:6 Stirring up the gift of God is similar to stirring God's power at work in a person's life for the perfection of the saints. "God's gifts put man's best dreams to shame" beloved; there is something in you that can put your shame to shame if only you will discover that thing. We all have talents and abilities. A key to usefulness is making our talents available to God. Your talents may be building friendship! engaging conversations, answering questions, inspiring people, or telling stories. God certainly can use those. It is pathetic today that most believers are carrying God's gifts in them! Many believers are not aware of the wonderful deposit of God 's gift in their lives, therefore these gifts are laying waste in their lives. The Bible says "A man's gift makes room for him, and brings him before great men, Proverbs 18:16. Beloved, stir up the gift in you, put them to action! And people will see the glory of God in your life.

Sunday 25 February 2018


AND THROUGH I BESTOW ALL MY GOODS TO FEED THE POOR, AND THOUGH I GIVE MY BODY TO BE BURNED AND HAVE NOT CHARITY, IT PROFITETH ME NOTHING. 1 CORINTHIANS 13:3 The motive behind our gift is more important than the gift itself. If you give all of your goods to feed the poor, or if you make the ultimate sacrifice of giving your life for someone else, and is not motivated by love, your gift will profit you nothing. Many Christians give faithfully but never see the hundredfold return that the Lord promised because of wrong motives (Mark 10:29-30). God loves a cheerful giver not one who gives grudgingly or out of dept (2Corinthians 9:7). Jesus gave us the key to purifying our motives. Jesus said but when thou does not alms, let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth Matthew 6:3. Giving in a manner in which you will not recieve recognition for your gifts will gurantee that your motives are right and grant you the true joy that comes through selfless giving Act 20:24. Ask the Lord to show you an opportunity today to give a kind word or a helping hand to someone who will not be able to repay you and others will never know about it. This could be a motorist in a traffic jam, a spouse, a child who won't even notice your kind deed, or any number of other people. Opportunities are all around us.


HOW GOD ANIOTED JESUS OF NAZARETH WITH THE HOLY GHOST AND WITH POWER: WHO WENT ABOUT DOING GOOD AND HEALING ALL THAT WERE OPPRESSED OF THE DEVIL. FOR GOD WAS WITH HIM. ACTS 10:38 In the presence of God there is liberty. The presence of God in the life of a man makes him to operate supernaturally. The presence of God with the Isrealites caused heaven to be opened. The supernatural power of God flows in the direction of those who have genuine encounter with God on regular basis. Through this unusual power can come upon you as a gift, it is activated and operated by prayer and fasting. To be for God and against the devil, we must be much with God. Our ability to overcome and subdue satanic agents and their demonic operations lies in our regular and uninterrupted contact with God's anointing which is availabe in His presence.

Friday 23 February 2018


BECAUSE SENTENCE AGAINST AN EVIL WORK IS NOT EXECUTED SPEEDILY, THEREFORE THE HEART OF THE SONS OF MEN IS FULLY SET IN THEM TO DO EVIL ECCL 8:11 The fact that God does not punish us immediately we sin should not make us assume that sin does not have consequences, or that God does not care. If punishment for a crime is delayed people feel it is safe to do evil. God is holy and righteous and hates sin in all its forms He knows everything we do, both good and bad, and will one day require us to give an account of all our actions. Sin has terrible consequences and to avert those consequences, one should genuinely repent and begin to live for God. Romans 2:4 says or do you think lightly of the riches of His kindness and tolerance and patience, not knowing that the kindness of God leads you to repentence? Let God's goodness towards you motivate you to turn away from sin. Beloved heaven is real hell is real the choice is yours?


NOW THEREFORE GIVE ME THIS MOUNTAIN.FOR IN HIS STRENTH I WILL SURELY CONQUER IT, IN JESUS MIGHTY NAME! JOSHUA 14:12 Caleb never looked at the size of the mountain, but he looked at how big God was before the mountain. He knew that with God all things are possible, and under the anointing of the Holy Spirit it will become as level ground before him. David and Caleb had a different spirit than those who saw an object as a mountain, while caleb and david saw mountain as opportunities for God show Himself strong on their behalf, and for them to climb their mountain and overcome it in His strenth. What is your Goliath? What moumtain tries to stop you from entering into the promises of God? Rise up like David and slay the giant, take courage and draw strength from God like Caleb, who had a different spirit in him and took possession of the promises of God, Beloved tell your mountain that it will become level ground like Zerubbabel. Stand tall and declare with a roar of victory as Caleb and the Lord shall give you victory.

Monday 19 February 2018


WATCH YEA, STAND FAST IN THE FAITH, QUIT YOU LIKE MEN, BE STRONG 1 CORINTHIANS 16:13 The Bible gave us a concept in the book of Ephesians chapter 6 vs 11; it says we should "put on the whole armor of God that yea may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.The word wiles" mean, "schemes" of the devil...The plan Satan and his agents have set for you as a Christain.Do not be deceived by the physical things that you see because many profess to be Christain and claimed to have a Christ like attitude and are still compromising with the world. They are pretending to be holier than thou in the church, Many Christians today still visits clubs and parties...since they believed that nobody can see them in the night, if nobody sees you and you get away with it God since everything. Beloved, we do not know when the trumpet will sound and the saints will be raptured. How exactly do you want to explain yourself as a Pastor a reverend, a born again brothers and sister and you were not able to rapture with our Lord Jesus Christ. We need to stand firm. Satan is very intelligent. He knows our weakness more than us. Do not give up to deceit. He can enticed you with the things of the world, but do not allow him back into your life. Stand firm and the Lord will be with you. Check yourself every day and read your bible. He will use anything to get more people into hell. You will not be a candidate of hell in the name of Jesus.


BUT AS MANY AS RECIEVED HIM, TO THEM GAVE THE POWER TO BECOME THE SONS OF GOD, EVEN TO THEM THAT BELIEVE ON HIS NAME: JOHN 1:12 The Bible is filled with promises for those who love God reiterates the benefits and rewards both in this life and our eternal inheritance. Many inheritance is in the bible and the children of God are not claiming it at all. These are there to show and prove to us that God does indeed love us. God continuously expresses His love towards us in so many ways. He even showed it by allowing His begotten Son to be beaten and and nailed on the cross for us. Just because of His great love for us. Since we know that God is seeking our good, we are then freed from our self-centered world view and can then put our focus on expressing our love towards God. Almost always, God gives a command with a promise. We do not have to ask for the promises, God has already stated. His desire to give us what He promised. Just do the right thing and all of those promises will be yours. We need to ask God to work within us so that we can do His will and keep His commands. God has expressed the depth of His love towards us so that we can have the confidence to die to ourselves and seek God's will. We give ourselves to God knowing that He has given and continue to give of Him to us. “God so loved the world that he gave is only begotten Son {John 3:16]..... Now the present question is, are you willing to love God And give? Set your heart on asking God to acomplish His plan in your life and rest in the confidence that God already has provided for your satisfaction. Seek God's Kingdom and His righteousness and He will prove His promises to you.

Sunday 14 January 2018


Pleasant words are sweet to the soul, and health to the bones. Proverbs 16:24 I was amazed the day I read that a average person speaks 50,000 words daily. What is more disturbing is that we don't need more than 5 or 10 percent of that number daily. The Bible says a lot of things about the spoken word. The word you speak is a living organism. It is a seed, and when you plant it through your mouth, it brings forth after its kind. This is why we should first think before we say anything. Proverb 18:21 says death and life are in the power of the tongue. God commanded light to come out of darkness Genesis 1:3;2 Cor:4:6. And we are made in His image. We can bring something into being through spoken word. After the 13 spies returned from spying the land of Canaan, 10 of them told Moses, "Impossible! We can't make it" the spies said they which they wish they had died in Egypt, or even here in the wilderness! They turned themselves into grasshoppers! God said, Okay just as you have said, so shall it happen to you. You will all die in the wilderness Number 14:28-35. And we know that was exactly what happened.your words can travel farther than you can imagine and carry out whatever you want it to accomplish. The centurion understood this. He told Jesus, Speak the word only, and my servant shall be healed Matthew 8:8 Do you want to live long and enjoy the good things of life? Learn to speak healthy, life- giving words to yourself, your situation and to others. The law of sowing and reaping says that you will reap exactly what you sow, it cannot be otherwise.