Thursday 13 July 2017


Blessed is the man that truseth in the Lord and whose hope the Lord is Jeremiah 17:7 Many a times you get to a cross road and you cannot move on. The situation at your front looks more terrible and more confusing. Then you ask yourself, what shall I do? Elisha's servant asked the same question when he found himself in the same situation. He had forgotten God's promise, in Psalm 91:5 that says, "thou shall not be afraid for the terror by night nor for the arrow that flieth by day". Elisha was in the spirit. He asked God to open his servant's spritual eyes to see the warrior angels that were with them are more than those against them. Immediately the servant saw the heavenly host, he became courageous. Life is full of ups downs. There are certain powers designated by the devil to challenge your authority as a beliver. You are the one to know the class you belong to; either on the side of God or the devil. Definitely, if you are on the side of God, you have your commanding authority to deal with the devil and his agent that may be confronting you at any point in time. What you only need is to be sure you are on the side of God. Automatically,