Tuesday 12 September 2017


The serpent said to the woman, you surely will not die! Genesis 3:4

Living in this fallen world can challenge our faith in God's goodness. The pain and suffering that resulted from Adam and Eve's sin may cloud our understanding of the Lord and tempt us to blame Him for every difficulty we face. Why does not God always remove our problem, solve our problems and give us what we want?

When Eve listened to the serpent's lies in the Garden of Eden, she began to doubt that the Lord had made the right choice in forbidding her to eat from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Why would He deprived her of wisdom and the enoyment of food that looked desirable?

Our thoughts are similar to Eve's when we do not agree with what our Father says is the
best for us. From a human perspective, "good" refers to what is enjoyable, delightful, comfortable, or profitable. But God has a much higher standard and is always working to achieve His purpose to develop Christ-like character within His children.

Behind every restriction or commandment, the Lord gave to us is His loving care for His followers. He knows the tormenting consequences of sin and wants to deter us from rebellious choices that will wreck our
lives. In refusing His will, we are choosing
pain and trouble.

Eve learned through disobedience that God knows what is best. We have the opportunity each day to discover His goodness by listening to His voice, obeying. His commands, and trusting His wisdom. Whatever may come our way, we can know He is working for both our temporal and eternal good.

not agree with what our Father says is best
for us. From a human perspective, "good" refers to what is enjoyable, delightful,

comfortable,or profitable. But God has a much higher standard and is always working

to achieve His purpose to develop Chr

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