Friday 23 February 2018


NOW THEREFORE GIVE ME THIS MOUNTAIN.FOR IN HIS STRENTH I WILL SURELY CONQUER IT, IN JESUS MIGHTY NAME! JOSHUA 14:12 Caleb never looked at the size of the mountain, but he looked at how big God was before the mountain. He knew that with God all things are possible, and under the anointing of the Holy Spirit it will become as level ground before him. David and Caleb had a different spirit than those who saw an object as a mountain, while caleb and david saw mountain as opportunities for God show Himself strong on their behalf, and for them to climb their mountain and overcome it in His strenth. What is your Goliath? What moumtain tries to stop you from entering into the promises of God? Rise up like David and slay the giant, take courage and draw strength from God like Caleb, who had a different spirit in him and took possession of the promises of God, Beloved tell your mountain that it will become level ground like Zerubbabel. Stand tall and declare with a roar of victory as Caleb and the Lord shall give you victory.

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