Tuesday 18 July 2017


And Enoch walked with God: and he was not; for God took him. Genesis 5:24

When the zeal of God captures you, it will ignite you with a great passion to walk with God and to be His friend. Imagine being Enoch and living 365 years and having this growing relationship with God!
         One can only wonder what glorious depths of intimacy Enoch uncovered. Perhaps Enoch's heart longed so deeply for more of God and perhaps God grew weary of withholding himself. Maybe God's heart was saying, 'no' to you anymore. I am going to answer your prayer and show you my face. Come on up!

As you draw close to God, He might not take you to heaven as He did Enoch. However, he does desired to reveal the beauty of His face to you. As we walk with Him, He will open the Scriptures to us through the spirit of wisdom and revelation and reveal to us the light of the glory of God that is to be found in Him. When we walk with God, we enter the secrets of his kingdom. These are the paths that the ancients trod before us. Noah knew the secret of walking with God Genesis 6:9, as did Abraham Genesis 24:40. Through Christ, you can explore the glorious riches of knowing God like they did and even a greater degree because of the spirit which has been given to us!